Tuesday, February 9, 2016

...trying to block someone on Gmail

I recently found myself in a situation where I needed to cut off all contact with someone. Just the sight of a text or message from them fills me with overpowering emotion that I can't pacify or direct in any meaningful way. My only choice was to escape the contact itself. Turns out that even within the interconnected web of instant messaging and social networks, the most difficult channel to cut off is good old email...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Things I learned in the last year (-3 days)

After driving the N3 during rush hour a few times a week
In which we discuss gore, foul language, misleading summaries, Terry Pratchett, death and how many people read this blog.

Monday, October 22, 2012

B**** please!

I realised if I try do this in a well-considered and thought out approach, it ain't happening. So, without further ado I couldn't resist making a photo-response to this post [sorry :( I have come close a few times doing exactly that]

What I learned: if you think to yourself " This is stupid and going to end badly" you probably shouldn't do it. Don't mess with power tools. In thise case a bench saw. While making a wooden 'treasure box' for a friend, more on that when I actually get around to finishing it.

Those are little slivers of fingernail on my shirt :)

What I learned today: I need to learn 'formatting'.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


This blog will document the useful things I (& hopefully others) learn from experiences... experienced while exploring the universe in search of cookies.